Ph.: 02382-247145


Maharashtra Shikshan Mandal, Latur.

राजमाता जिजामाता बी.एड. कॉलेज

Strategic Plan


The Strategic Development Plan sets out a framework of priorities for the institution, its divisions and departments.

Executive Summary

Rajmata Jijamata B.Ed. College, latur is established in 2007 under the parental institution of Maharashtra Shikshan Mandal, Latur. Our college is affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded and also approved by NCTE. The college runs B. Ed course in Marathi Medium. The Objective of the College of Education is to provide the opportunity for acquiring knowledge and skills that will enable people to develop their full potential, and to become successful members of the society.

We realize that education is fundamental for the complete development of individuals. As a premier teaching institute, We endeavor to harness this inherent potential through meeting the growing needs of higher technical education. As we grow, We will expand into new technologies, methodologies, disciplines, resources and even attitudes. To achieve this, R. J. B.Ed. College will ensure the highest quality off acuity, resources and infrastructure. These will be structured with a focus on academic excellence and versatility in approach, that will meet the ever-increasing needs of the students. Institute’s Commitment to education and research will encourage and assure students in their pursuit of knowledge. All this is a reflection of the Institute’s responsibility to build a society that is vibrant and growing through knowledge sharing and enhancing. India is on the move of it. Knowledge of Information Technology is the key power for the future Teachers. The 21st century belong to us and will need professional skill endbrain power who can deliver quality and add value to the Society. We R. J. B.Ed. College are committed to provide the best for our students by way of infrastructure, quality, faculty, training and an enabling environment to help to moralize their true potential. Smart lab plus Interactive teaching methodology development in house at Rajmata Jijamata B.Ed. College, Latur focused on audio

visual learning techniques. Personality Development Build your communication and interpersonal skills, backed by weekend seminars. CBT-Computer Based Training See and understand every topic step by step on a PC as it is explained with audio visual instructions in English and Marathi. Academic Consistency Our 17 Years in the training field gives us an edge that few can match. The Main Aim is to provide efficient teachers to the society, We believe in that the duties of a teacher are neither few nor small but they elevate the mind and give energy to the character.


Aims of Teachers College

  • To create socially competent teachers from trainees in rural and urban areas.
  • To provide modern teacher education system to the trainees.
  • To develop research and guidance in teacher training colleges.
  • To help provide employment to the trainees.
  • To make our teacher training college a model college in teacher training.

Objectives of Teachers College

  • To motivate faculty and trainees to excel in studies, teaching, research and innovation.
  • To train the trainees to meet the various issues and needs of the emerging aspects,

global context of the education system.

  • To guide and counsel trainees to understand school students and solve their academic

and personal problems.

  • Enhancement of various media and library resources to develop skills for effective

Teaching and L-LIST Facility is also available for student and Lecturer website.

  • To encourage the professors and trainees by providing facilities for improvement.
  • Rajmata Jijamata B.Ed. is a ISO ration of the College ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Number IQCB-IND- 100125.



To Enlighten and Bring the Radical Change in the Lives of the Students and the Society by Providing the Quality Education.


  • Provide education to lead the Students from the darkness to the light.
  • Mould the Character of the Students, make them aware of their culture, moral duties and national integration.
  • Make them good citizens of the world.


Built on the vision that education serves as a keystone in improving society and building better futures for all, we commit to our core values of:


  • Excellence
  • Diversity
  • Ethics and Dignity
  • Student Focus
  • Collaboration and Public Engagement SWOC Analysis


  • Good reputation for high quality teaching & based practical skills & knowledge
  • Approved by NCTE
  • Excellent Infrastructure
  • Constant encouragement of faculty for pursuing D., research, advancement of qualification etc.
  • Constant mentoring, monitoring, and a strong feedback system of students
  • Training and Grooming of students to make them industry ready and enhancing their Employability skills by imparting training, Soft skill, GD & Aptitude classes etc.
  • Good faculty retention due to peaceful work environment
  • Various activity cells Cultural cell, Sports cell etc., for Innovation & all round development and extracurricular activities
  • Academic achievements of student in University examination and other platforms
  • Strong Alumni base that helps for the job generation and referral drive of junior


  • Un-aided Institute
  • International and National Collaboration activities to be done
  • No authority to revise and reconstruct the curriculum
  • Poor language (English) & communication skills and lack of confidence due to rural background


  • To start PG program
  • Faculty – student exchange program with reputed National & Foreign Universities
  • Focus on Research activities & collaboration with institutes
  • Involving more faculty members in research oriented programs
  • External funding for research, project and innovative programs
  • Preparing students in Soft Skill, Aptitude, GD, and competitive examinations


  • Students come with various vernacular and ethnic backgrounds and training these students in English language and developing their communication skills is really a challenging job.
  • To motivate faculty for Research/ R&D/ Innovation
  • To attract eminent Professors, D. Holders and Researchers in Campus to share their knowledge and experience with students

Strategic Goals

The passionate team of Rajmata Jijamata B.Ed. College, latur after several discussion and planning and guided by the Mission and Vision of the Institutes Quality Policy, Core Values, Stake holder’s expectations and SWOC analysis framed the Institutions strategic Goals.

Institution Strategic Goals:

  • Following effective teaching learning process
  • Developing and following leadership and participative management
  • Establishing a continuous Internal Quality Assurance System
  • Ensuring good governance
  • Ensuring student’s development and participation
  • Ensuring staff development & welfare
  • Developing financial management
  • Encouraging research and development work
  • Increasing internal revenue generation
  • Increasing Alumni Interaction and participation and Outreach activities
  • Engagement in Community Services and Activities

Strategic Planning (2018-2025)










Teaching learning process

·      Academic planning and preparation of Academic Calendar

·      Development of teaching plan as per University

·      Preparation of Lesson Plan based on CLO & PLO mapping

·      Use of more teaching aids and adopt more ICT

·      Development of e- learning resources

·      Promote research culture & activities

·      Provide mentoring and personal support

·      Follow a transparent and fair feedback system

·      Continuous assessment to measure outcomes

·      Performance development through credit system

·      Implementation of best practices




Leadership and participative management

·      To follow reporting structure

·      Decentralize the academic, administration and student related authorities & responsibilities

·      Prescribe duties, responsibilities and accountability

·      Establishment of functional committees






Internal Quality Assurance System

·      Establishment of IQAC done

·      Framing of Quality Policy & publishing regularly

·      Formation of Quality Monitoring Committee & functioning

·      Educating & Training of all employees

·      Periodic check & guidance for quality improvement

·      Establishment of audit team and process

·      Promoting best practices


  ·      Annual report preparation & submission









Good governance

·      Vision, Mission development & their articulation in every key position

·      Inclusion of industrialists & academicians in the GB

·      Evaluation of Institute’s performance and benchmarking

·      Institutional strategic goals setting

·      Institutional Strategic development plan

·      Monitoring and Implementing the Quality Management Systems

·      Following organization structure

·      Smooth Working of statutory committees

·      Code of conduct and policy formulation, approval and implementation

·      Establishing fair and transparent performance appraisal system










Student’s development and participation

·      Budget allocation for student development programmes and activities

·      Students Trainings & Placement Activities

·      Formation of student council

·      Student’s representation in various committee and cell

·      Student’s Participation in various competitions

·      Organizing workshops and competitions

·      Credit transfer

·      Rewards & recognitions of achievers

·      Participation in extracurricular activities

·      Participating in social and welfare activities












Staff development & welfare

·      Recruitment Policy formation & implementation

·      Staff performance evaluation system

·      Staff Training for quality improvement

·      The Best possible work facilities & infrastructure facilities

·      Code of conduct, service rules & leave rules

·      Staff welfare policy implementation

·      Career advancement schemes

·      Rewards, recognitions and incentives

·      Deputation for seminars, conferences and workshops etc.

·      Sponsorship/ Motivation for qualification improvement

·      Support for research, consultancy, innovations






Financial management

·      Framing & implementation of Purchase and Financial policies

·      Department wise Budget planning and allocation Forecasting income & expenditure

·      Effective functioning of purchase committee

·      Plans for Emergency Fund

·      Budget formulation & approval through Finance Committee

·      Periodic Audit





Research and innovation

·      Research facilitation center

·      Establish and develop Laboratories with more research facility

·      Apply for Government/Non Government industry, sponsored funds

·      Collaborations with Government & Private Institutes, Universities and Research Organizations

Alumni Interaction ·      Formation of Alumni association, participation and registration



  ·      Data base creation, Regular interactions with alumni and networking

·      Exploring Contributions

·      Sponsorships/scholarships/fund generation






Community Services and Outreach Activities

·      Budget from institution from resources/Faculty/students/other donors

·      Identify community and social development work

·      Identify challenges of society for development work

·      Provide vocational training /job oriented training as per local needs at the institute

·      Educational support to village people

·      Conducting awareness camps










Physical infrastructure

·      Infrastructure building development & modification

·      Smart Class rooms, Seminar halls

·      Modernization of Laboratory & equipment

·      More ICT enabled classrooms

·      Library infrastructure up gradation

·      System up gradation

·      Functional facilities for e-learning

·      Safety & Security management

·      Water facility

·      Medical facility

·      Developing sports (indoor/outdoor) facilities

·      Plantations

·      Rain water harvesting

·      Renewable Energy usage

·      Hygiene, zero plastic & green campus

Strategy Implementation and Monitoring

After approval of the Strategic development plan the next step is its implementation. During implementation the progress of strategy shall be measured from time to time. Hence the measurable success indicators are clearly spelt out in the implementation document. The Principal along with Academic Council and other team member will be the custodian for strategic plan and its deployment.


Implementation at Institute Level

Governance & Administration Chairman & Members of GB, Administration Office
Branding /Expansion GB members, Local Management Committee
Students Admissions Principal, HODs, Admission team
Statutory Compliance Principal, Co-ordinators
Infrastructure (physical) GB, Secretary Trustee Board
Infrastructure (Academics) Principal, Office Superintendent
Teaching- Learning Principal, HODs, Faculty and Staff
Research& Development Principal & Co-ordinators
Students Development Principal & Co-ordinators
Departmental Activities Co-ordinators & Staff
Training & Placement Principal & Co-ordinators, Staff
Quality Assurance IQAC team

Monitoring of strategic plan

The implementation of strategic plan will be monitored time to time by Principal, Academic Council and other committees through periodic review. The section heads will prepare the detailed progress report and present it in the review meetings. The benchmarking of quality standards and its monitoring, evaluation of attainment will be carried out by the IQAC independently. The IQAC will report the findings to the Academic Council and GB. With thorough analysis of outcomes and based on IQAC report, the above will recommend the corrective actions, need of further processes and deployment of resources. All these reports will be forwarded for further discussions and implementation by the Board of Trustees.